Pardon me while I indulge in a little self-admiration..
..Just finished the Bellingham Runnin' O The Green 5 mile run in 43 minutes. And, I ran the whole way. That's right. Eat it up.
..ok, now that we have THAT our of our system, here are a few important realizations I came to during the race. Most of these came to me about mile 3 - ya know, too far away to turn back (would have been longer to turn back at that point anyway) and too close to quit. Plus, there was this 85 year old lady I was tailing the whole race and I wasn't going to let her get away from me.
- Whole milk. Bad idea. Phlegm, phlegm and more phlegm. Thankfully my music was loud enough that I couldn't hear my hacking. Can't imagine the other racers liked that.
- Garlic and onion hash browns the morning of the race. Stinky, burpy nastiness. Nothing like pushing through that hill, burping onion the whole way.
- The night before the race - not a good time to clip your toenails. I don't consider toenail clipping a full-contact sport, but one wrong move and those 5 miles get pretty uncomfortable.
Anyway, still ran a really good time (I thought, anyway). So, more hill work and less onions, garlic, milk and toenail clipping and I'll be good to go for those 2 half-marathons I'm signed up for!!
YOU. ROCK. seriously. you're going to kick my ass in seattle in june.