Let me first preface this blog by saying we were way ahead of the game this year by simply having a Christmas tree. Inside. With decorations and lights. Big improvement over last year if you'll remember? Cancun for 2 weeks ring a bell? Chirstmas dinner buffet style? Margartitas for dinner. Right. Here in Smeltzerville we're all about skipping Christmas. Now, before you go getting your panties in a bunch all worried about our Scrooge-like behavior let me point out the perks:
- It usually involves missing out on a week or two of crappy NW Washington weather and heading somewhere tropical. Like, say, Mexico!
- Totally skipping the last minute "oh-my-god-we-forgot-to-get-something-for-aunt-Marge" run to the overcrowded mall.
- None of those pesky pine needles clogging up your vacuum. Don't say that doesn't piss you off.
- None of that pesky "it's time to take the tree down because it's already March" kinda moments.
So, with that said, I am happy to announce that, yes, we celebrated Christmas this year. Or, well, at least we plan to. As I type this blog at 10:00am on Christmas morning I am sipping coffee sitting here at my desk at work. At work. Not at home. At work. And I was at work yesterday too. Because that's what you get when you work for a company that runs 24/7/365. You don't get a fricking day off. Think of the worldwide pandamonia that would play out if we stopped producing gasoline for one day because "Rikki wanted Christmas off." Right. So, we celebrated a little last night, we'll celebrate a little more tonight with my parents, then we'll pretend that tomorrow morning is actually Christmas morning, then most of the family is coming to our house on Sunday to celebrate yet again. So, we're actually having four days of fun instead of one. (Well, minus the two days I have to spend at work since I'm not counting those as fun....)
We don't buy each other gifts either. (*gasp*) Instead, I mailed off three or four checks to local charities with the money we saved on buying for each other. I'm sure the local Mother Baby Center, for one, can use the money much more than myself. (Plus, they were the first line of defense when I had the yeast infection nipple incident. Lactation consultants staff that place round the clock thank god.)
We did manage to make gifts for our family and purchase a few things we knew our relatives would just love. Because the holidays are so much more about giving than getting, right?
So, don't worry. Although we probably could have gotten away skipping one more Christmas because Colt is so little, I doubt we will ever get away with skipping another! I am happy to announce and you heard it here first: Smeltzerville will be hosting Christmas again next year!
Well, I've got to go. Looks like a tank of diesel is about to ship. Love the holidays at the re-fun-ery!
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