Somewhere about month 6 1/2 I "strained" a ligament. Not just any ligament - a pelvic ligament. Apparently is some totally natural (as I'm told...) ever-widening of the hip/pelvis area I strained it. And until the moment it "sprung" I was totally unaware a person even had pelvic ligaments. And, apparently in yet another totally natural (as I'm told...) occurrence pregnant people produce some hormone that helps their ligaments (pelvic and others) become, well, flaccid. This, no doubt, will come in handy come September when we deliver this baby, but for now has seriously hampered much of my forward mobility.
I remember the weekend it happened: it was somewhere between the 5k I ran and the horseback riding afterwards. Perhaps the combo? Either way it was totally aggravated by the miles and miles of walking we did while visiting Washington DC shortly after said straining. I'm sure if I were a man I could only equate the pain with being kicked repeatedly in my manhood. In my opinion, pelvic ligament strains hurt nowhere other than right where your junk would be. And really I wouldn't complain much because it only hurts when I stand from sitting or sit from standing, walk or jog, try to lower myself to go pee (which I do more often than is possibly normal), go up or down stairs or try to get in our out of bed. But once I'm up and going they're no stopping me....
The doctor's advice last week was rest (which is totally cramping my workout and slowing down the horseback riding) and ice - no heat, just ice. So, that's where the totally sexy part of being pregnant comes in: when Todd walks into the living room and I'm sitting in repose, comfortably watching TV, with a bag of frozen peas nestled next to 2 frozen steaks, both perched on my privates. Yes, there is nothing sexier than using your "strained ligament" as an excuse to thaw dinner....
Um, we'll be eating out when I'm staying there...yes?